Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten
Dec 2014 - Feb 2015
Selected by AA Bronson

1. Ethel Waters "That Da Da Strain"
2. Glossolalia: Speaking In Tongues
3. Occult Voices – Paranormal Music, Recordings of unseen Intelligences 1905-2007
4. Yves Klein, The Monotone Symphony [MP3]
5. Sun Ra: Message to Earthman
6. Kurt Weill: Die Dreigroschenoper / Berlin 1930
7. William S. Burroughs reads Junky
8. Jack Smith: Flaming Creatures
9. George Kuchar: Hold Me While I'm Naked
10. General Idea - Shut the Fuck Up

AA Bronson is an artist and healer living and working in Berlin.