Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten
April 2014
Roddy Bogawa

1. "I will not make any more boring art" - John Baldessari
2. Grids - Rosalind Krauss
3. Dance or Walk on the Perimeter of a Square (1967) - Bruce Nauman
4. Kurt Kren - 3/1960 Trees in Autumn, (1960)
5. The South Bank Show (1985) - Francis Bacon
6. Strange Space (1993) - Leslie Thornton
7. Rhys Chatham (with Glenn Branca, Nina Canal, Wharton Tiers) - Guitar Trio (1977) [MP3 link]
8. Vladimir et Rosa (1971) - Dziga Vertov Group
9. Handsworth Songs (1986) - Black Audio Film Collective
10. Lives of Performers (1972) - Yvonne Rainer

Born in Los Angeles, Japanese-American Roddy Bogawa studied art and played in punk bands before turning to filmmaking. His films on UbuWeb can be found here.