Top Tens

UbuWeb Top Ten
June 2017
Samuel Andreyev

1. George Antheil, Ballet Mécanique [MP3]
2. Paul Dutton, Reverberations [MP3]
3. Anton Webern, Fünf Sätze [MP3]
4. Edgard Varèse, Déserts (world premiere) [MP3]
5. Karlheinz Stockhausen, Studie II [MP3]
6. Carl Ruggles, Lilacs (first recording, performed by Nicolas Slonimsky)
7. Phil Niblock, Toral [MP3]
8. Charles Ives, ‘They are There’ (Ives plays Ives) [MP3]
9. Morton Feldman, ‘The King of Denmark’ (performed by Max Neuhaus) [MP3]
10. André Boucourechliev, Archipel 3 (performed by Georges Pludermacher and les Percussions de Strasbourg) [MP3]

Samuel Andreyev is a Strasbourg-based composer and poet. He runs a YouTube channel devoted to modern and contemporary music.