2007   DECEMBER 19   #353

The Children's Bible Hour - A Christmas Carousel

01 Cousins Choir - Tell It Out (1:03)
02 Cousins Choir - Come on, Ring Those Bells (1:49)
03 Peter J. and Ann Delightful Duetters - Merry Christmas, Bells are Ringing (1:59)
04 Cousins Choir - Keep Christ in Christmas (1:26)
05 Cousins Choir - Carol of Christmas (2:01)
06 Suzie, Dougie, Cousins Choir - Luke 2/Beautiful Hills of Judea/Away in the Manger (3:36)
07 Cousins Choir - Go, Tell it on the Mountain (1:21)
08 Cousins Choir - Christmas Every Day (1:24)
09 Linda, Susan & Lynette - Ring the Bells (1:51)
10 Cousins Choir - Silent Night (1:55)
11 Cousins Choir - Why Isn't Everybody Singing Allelu? (1:43)
12 Uncle Charlie - Johnny's Stocking (10:59)
13 Uncle Charlie - Whose Birthday? (8:22)

From the liner notes:

Every Year we are asked if we have a Christmas record. Now we do…and here it is... a delightful combination of music AND story! This is a FAMILY album... not just for boys and girls! The CHILDREN'S BIBLE HOUR is heard on nearly 600 radio stations worldwide. For a list of our radio outlets... (blah blah blah, etc...)
- Signed, Uncle Charlie

Have you ever felt like you're just not worth much? That's the way little Johnny felt, until Gramps showed him that in God's sight we are ALL worth loving and caring about! In this delightful story, the "lead part" is played by the fantasy character of "Johnny's Stocking." It's an imaginative, interesting story with an important lesson.

If only that lesson were to not let your kids go visit weird old guys called "Gramps." Shudder.

What kind of birthday is it when the person whose birthday it is doesn't get any presents? That's what often happens at Christmas time, when the Lord Jesus is often left out of our plans. This story emphasizes to young and old alike the importance of "keeping Christ in Christmas."

Apparently it's the birthday of a deity with the maturity of a nine-year-old! It struck me–and I can't keep my mouth shut–how odd it is to celebrate Christmas for a deity because he was sacrificed by his father. Who does this and isn't some kind of psychopath? Nobody. God Yule. (That's a deity to look up!)

- Contributed by: Hellbound Alleee

Image: Front Cover