Error loading: "../../../media/sound/365/2007/347_1_North_High_School_-_Fall_Semester_1964.mp3"

Fall Semester 1964

[hide/show playlist]
  1. Fall Semester 1964
  2. Spring Semester 1965

2007   DECEMBER 13   #347

North High School - Sound Off Saxons

Fall Semester 1964 (19:24)
Spring Semester 1965 (25:31)

Created as a keepsake for the 1965 graduating class of North High School in Torrance, CA, this album takes you through the school and introduces you to the multiple characters and events there — all with the corniest, dated humor you can imagine.

It's a nice little record of a lost world and ripe for sampling.

The narrator's name is Ralph Lippman.

- Contributed by: John Mitchell

Images: Front, Back