2007   NOVEMBER 15   #319

For Heaven's Sake!

Some of my favorite postings here at 365 have been the corporate musicals. Here's an album in a similar vein, although instead of selling electricity or automobiles, it's pushing a different product...God. It's the musical review "For Heaven's Sake!" written by Helen Kromer (book, lyrics) and Frederick Silver (music) "especially for the North American Ecumenical Youth Assembly - 1961"

1. Prologue (0:54)
2. A Mighty Fortress is Our Church (1:41)
3. The Inchworm (0:39)
4. The Death House (8:45)
      Man and Woman Chained together
      I'd Rather be Dead
5. I Open My Mouth to Speak (2:11)
6. Seven Steeples (2:37)
7. Some Career (3:33)
8. The Rap (0:20)
9. Use Me Lord! (3:14)
10. Aim for Heaven (3:46)
11. Gimme God Blues (6:50)
12. A Drop in the Bucket (0:28)
13. I'm Nothing, Nobody, No One! (3:03)
14. The Repair Job (3:21)
15. For Heaven's Sake! (2:14)

Precious little can be found on the Internet regarding this organization or its 1961 gathering. So let's just go right to the back cover:

"In August, 1961, on the campus of the University of Michigan, 2000 young people met to discover what God is calling them to be and do within the North American setting. The Planning Committee for this North American Ecumenical Youth Assembly agreed that the drama should be one of the modes for considering the Assembly theme, "Entrusted with the Message of Reconciliation." Some 30 denominations, representing many agencies within the total framework of the Church in Canada and the U.S.A., participated in commissioning two dramas for this Assembly: one (BREAK THEM IN PIECES written by Fred Myers) serious in nature, picturing the reconciliation of men in terms of the risk of death; and the other (FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE!) highly satirical in nature, attacking frankly and humorously "things as they are" in the World and in the Church. This was a direct effort both to engage the Church with the creative artist and the Assembly delegate with what such artists might be attempting to say through their particular media and contribution. As a part of the projection of the Assembly experience, into the life of the churches of North America, this recording of the music from FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! has been made for a limited subscription edition."

That explains things now, doesn't it?

Note: I'm dedicating today's entry to my sister Claudette and my nephew (her son) Ian both of whom celebrate their birthday's today. For heaven's sake, have a Happy Birthday!

- Contributed by: Andre Dupuy

Image: Front Cover