2007   OCTOBER 17   #290

S.H. Speaks in Tongues and Buys a Coke

S.H. Speaks in Tongues and Buys a Coke (7:17)

Here's another of my treasured radio memories. As the 19-year-old low man on the totem pole at WPID Radio-a 1000-watt AM station in a tiny Alabama town-it was often my lot in life to be stuck with the all-day Sunday shift. And though the station's format was country music Monday through Friday, on Sunday it was wall-to-wall Jesus. From local sunrise to local sunset WPID broadcast an assortment of live remote church services, pre-recorded religious programs, gospel music, and live-in-the-studio preachers.

S.H. was one of the latter, a diminutive fire-and-brimstone breathing, tongue-speaking man on a mission. While most of our live preachers would bring friends or family members along to help with their broadcasts, S.H. was a lone wolf. He would arrive a few minutes before air time, give me $35.00 in cash for his half-hour program, and make his way to our tiny studio. At 4:30 PM I'd introduce him, and he'd be off and running.

This day's message had to do with how the "Bride of Christ" shouldn't orta not be livin' right or something along those lines. About twenty-five minutes into the program he started speaking in tongues, and I had the foresight to hit the "Record" button on one of our ancient Teac reel-to-reel machines and catch the remainder of the show on tape. Since the studio mike was routed through the tape recorder, I also caught the audio from the studio after the broadcast ended. Listen in glorious 192 kbps dual mono as S.H. asks how much those Cokes are, and then buys himself one!

If you're a cut-to-the-chase type, you can find the tongue-speaking at 0:25 and 3:43 and the Coke-buying at 6:32.

- Contributed by: Perry Amberson

Image: Piedmont, Alabama

Media: Live Religious Broadcast
Station: WPID Radio, Piedmont, Alabama
Date: 1981