2007   OCTOBER 10   #283

Unknown Band

There was a store in Bristol, Tenn. that closed down a couple of years ago. It was primarily a book store, but it also sold such things as old records, old stereos. and reel-to-reel tapes. The material here comes from a couple of those reels that I bought.

I don't know the name of this group, and there's no listing of songs - I have to go by what's being played and sung in order to tell you what the songs are. Yes, folks - We're going into "Dante's Cover-Version Inferno" again.

This rock band is apparently from the NE Tenn./SW Va. area, and these reels seem to have been recorded in the late-60's.

The 1st reel consists of instrumentals recorded directly to tape. The 2nd reel is filled with songs not only played, but sung by the group. The songs on the 2nd reel were dubbed onto the tape - and not very well. I had to do some filtering-and-maximizing to get these close to listenable.

Whoever these guys are, and whatever they're doing nowadays - Here's to ya!

Reel 1
Walk - Don't Run (2:02)
A Taste of Honey (2:13)
Wipeout (4:34)
Comin' Home (1:10)

Reel 2
Good Thing (2:04)
Happy Together (1:54)
Steppin' Stone (2:34)
Red Rubber Ball (4:04)
  (Unlike The Cyrkle, These guys throw in an instrumental break!)
Louise (2:24)
Blistered (3:45)
Color My World (3:40)
Kicks (4:20)
"Time ... to turn the tape ... overrr." (:07)
  (Proof that the musical material is a bad dub.
  This guy records directly onto the tape to make this announcement.
Wipeout (3:46)
Walk - Don't Run (1:50)
Comin' Home (3:44)
  (These guys really get jammin', then the song gets rudely cut off.)

Cherish (3:40)
Love Me Not Tomorrow (2:51)
The Shadow Of Your Smile (3:47)
Poor Side of Town (4:14)
Softly As I Leave You (4:11)
  (The rest of the songs have varying cases of "bass overbleed".
  I tried to cut the volume in these spots on the sound files.

Images: Jack Fives, Shamrock

- Contributed by: Sammy Reed