2007   SEPTEMBER 15   #258

Lud Aarons on Genesis of a Music

Lud Aarons on Genesis of a Music, part 1 (29:28)
Lud Aarons on Genesis of a Music, part 2 (26:30)

KPFK is a good radio station, but prior to the management's purges in the early '90s it was an excellent radio station. Back then it had three unusual music programs, the Tom (Recchion) and Tony (Mostrom) Show, Jackie Apple's Soundings, and David Porter's Genesis of a Music.

Once a month Porter would stop the music and invite one Bill Mitchell to expound and sometimes rant about politics for an hour. And one particular Sunday morning Mitchell invited one Lud Aarons. This is my recording of that portion of that broadcast—the transition between the two parts is awkward because I had to turn the cassette over. It gets good about 11 minutes in.

I've searched for references to Aarons on the 'net to no avail. I'm not even sure I have his name spelled correctly (I've searched variations). But I think his voice is one of those sampled by Negativland in their "The Bottom Line."

Not too long after this broadcast, Mitchell called Bill Clinton "just another fascist son of a bitch" on the air. Not too long after that the program was cancelled, as were the Tom and Tony Show and Soundings.

- Contributed by: Andrew Lander