Error loading: "../../../media/sound/365/2007/251_01_SAT_Stoicizmo_-_9_36_57_Po_Srednjeevropskom_Vremenu.mp3"

9:36:57 Po Srednjeevropskom Vremenu

[hide/show playlist]
  1. 9:36:57 Po Srednjeevropskom Vremenu
  2. Avionom
  3. Nehaj
  4. Futur Egzaktni

2007   SEPTEMBER 8   #251

SAT Stoicizmo - Mah 2

01 9:36:57 Po Srednjeevropskom Vremenu (15:08)
02 Avionom (12:17)
03 Nehaj (14:04)
04 Futur Egzaktni (18:40)

""There's nothing more satisfying than reeling in a big one after waiting all afternoon," said a friend of mine about fishing. Some dudes shoot huge animals out in the wilderness to satisfy themselves. Maybe I'm effeminate or something, but I'd rather hunt for weird records than living things. I won't lie and say there's no greater satisfaction, but it feels pretty awesome to discover an incredible band that nobody's heard of.

That's why the internet is kinda annoying for music fans like me. It makes everything too easy. If you have a keyword to google, you can find more than you ever wanted to know about any genre, band or label. It's like the fish jumped out of the water onto your boat, it just feels like cheating.

So my favorite way to discover new music has become to scour through used sections and chancing on what catches my eye. Maybe you'll say that I'm only judging a book (or record) by its cover. I prefer to imagine myself in the highlands of Ontario, shotgun in hand while my faithful Llewellin Setter follows the scent of the elusive Ruffled Grouse. The Llewelin Setter are the liner notes and the scent is the "what the fuck?!" factor.

The Ruffled Grouse is SAT Stoicizmo's Mah 2, one of my favorite catches. I found it a few years ago in the experimental section at Generation records in NYC. I won't give you the full dig on the band here, but you can look at the text from the liner notes or a good article recently posted on Last Sigh. For now, I'll just pique your interest by observing that they are the best Croatian futurist experimentalists to emerge in the early 80s - to my knowledge at least, but I guess I don't know that much about the Croatian futurist scene. Originally released in '85, the excellent Artware label repressed 480 (or 500, depending on where you check) double lps and 500 cds in '97; both of these are pretty tough to find today. I'll give my money back guarantee that you haven't heard anything like it before.

Also check out their Jacati Tijelo Sportom EP, which was recently posted on the Mutant Sounds blog.

- Contributed by: Nash Rose

Images: Front Cover, Back Cover, 9:36:57 Po Srednjeevropskom Vremenu, Avionom, Nehaj, Futur Egzaktni