2007   AUGUST 13   #225

100 Year Old Woman Interview

100 Year Old Woman Interview - Side 1 (30:22)
100 Year Old Woman Interview - Side 2 (30:16)

Several years ago I picked this up at the Goodwill on Monroe street, in Toledo. I don't frequent Goodwill's or Salvation Army's because I have a hard time dealing with the disappointment 99% of the time. However, on this particular day, I believe I found something special. Something I'm glad to be able to share with you now.

This isn't your quick fix. It's a 60 minute interview with a 100 year old woman. It takes some patience. We all have a history and this is HERstory (you like that?) The year is 1978. It sounds like the girl is in college, conducting this interview for a class report (I picture a young Sandy Duncan!) The old woman's voice is reminiscent of Ma Kettle, without the spunk. From what we gather, this was recorded in Kansas. Hence, somehow over the past thirty years, this cassette has migrated from Kansas to Ohio. That's roughly many miles!

There's been a recurring thought over the past couple of weeks as I've tried to decide what to say about this one. It's difficult for me to articulate. I'm sure that neither of the women featured here ever imagined that this artifact would take on a life beyond which was intended. A simple audio document of someone's life to be preserved and shared with whomever is interested.

That's why I'm grateful for this blog and everyone involved with it. That includes YOU! Yes you, if you're reading this, downloading and leaving comments, then you're involved. You're the other important piston on which our spark-plugs are firing (sorry, I'm not a mechanic.)

Whether it's rare vinyl or something like this, preserving and sharing this part of our history is important. So much is lost every day. I think it's one of the best uses of the Internet (besides porn, of course!)

Technical Notes: Since the nature of this recording implements no stereo spectrum, these files have been lovingly rendered in Mono, at the highest resolution possible for an MP3 (128kbps.) A sensible amount of EQ was used to reduce tape-hiss, greatly improving the overall sound, for your listening pleasure!

- Contributed by: Spaceboy

Images: Front, Back, Cassette