2007   JULY 26   #207

Robin Murphy, N.D. - HANA Certificate Course: Dental, Mouth, Throat

Side 1: HANA Certificate Course: Dental, Mouth, Throat (45:05)
Side 2: HANA Certificate Course: Dental, Mouth, Throat (45:03)

Want pearly white teeth in a day? Want to drop twenty to thirty pounds at will? Enter into the mysteries of the genetic harmony diet, the only diet that does not fall prey to that all-too-common tendency to ignore the vibratory imprints of food onto each being's energy body. Free yourself from starch addiction and remedy your vitality level!

Here's good proof that words like 'professional' and 'official' are hollow terms: a portion of the HANA (Hahnemann Academy of North America) certification cirriculum. The lecturer, Dr. Robin Murphy, N.D., is considered an expert in the field of Homeopathic medicine, directs HANA, has published many books on medicine and has taught at the accredited (!) Bastyr University of Seattle, Washington. This lecture, presumably part of a larger series of lectures, deals with "Dental, Mouth, Throat" as handwritten red ink on the cassette indicates. The lecture (especially side one) seems to focus more on diet than dentistry. Regardless, Dr. Murphy's strength lies in his ability to connect mundane sciences to the most lofty religious concepts. Be ready for a full on new-agey amalgam of Eastern religion and pseudoscience.

I believe this tape was recorded at a 1991 conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico - I in fact found the tape sitting by itself on a shelf of Santa Fe's Goodwill. A collection of tapes, from which this tape probably came, called "Dental, Mouth and Throat" is listed for $90 online (although it is out of print); for that price, this recording is remarkably unprofessional. Both sides of the tape abruptly cut in and out mid-speech, questions from the audience are barely audible and occasionally the tape itself cuts out. Quality problems aside, this tape gives fascinating insight into contemporary new age culture at its wish-washiest.

- Contributed by: Nash Rose

Images: Cassette

Media: Cassette
Album: HANA Certificate Course: Dental, Mouth, Throat
Date: 1991