2007   MARCH 3   #062

Last Men - Jimmy Igo

Last Men - Jimmy Igo (2:22)

I got this off a Ze Records retrospective tape in about 2000. The mp3 is a ripped cassette copy of a cassette copy, hence the 'not the best' quality of the recording. Alas, there was nothing I could do as the guy with the original tape now lives several 100 miles from me.

Information on this is pretty scare even on the net - all I could find was this (some pics of the sleeve, disc - and some info in french which i can't read) and this (Ze Records official Last Men page... helpfully its totally blank!)

Anyway, this is a song about that most heartwarming of subjects, necrophilia. I think it was the group's only release, apart from it's B-side - yes, this was a single. Despite it's subject matter, its quite a funny song (or maybe I'm just disturbed), and catchy as hell. And contains the unforgettable line "I wanna fuck her one more time - before we put her in the ground".

And for the record, no, I'm not a necrophiliac. Though my sex life has been quite dead of late... perhaps because I listen to songs like this... something to ponder.

- Contributed by: Caoimhghín Patraisc

Media: 12" Single (also released in 1989 on the compilation, "Zetrospective")
Label: ZE Records
Catalog: 12009
Date: 1979