2007   JANUARY 29   #029

Dave Kennedy - All By Myself

Dave Kennedy - All By Myself (2:49)

The first time I heard a recording by Dave Kennedy, was on a mix tape made for me by my friend Bill Verkuilen. As a music lover and musician, over the years I've always been impressed with musicians who can play more than one instrument, and play them well.

The most notable ones that immediately come to mind are Stevie Wonder and Paul McCartney. Yet, as impressed as I've been of those two, in particular, until I heard Kennedy, I had NEVER heard of any one musician who can play so MANY instruments, as well as sing with himself (in jazz harmony, no less!)

Dave Kennedy (now deceased) was a recording studio owner and engineer in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who apparently would make time to record himself, in between sessions with other artists, like Hildegarde.

On "All By Myself", Kennedy plays trumpet, trombone, vibes, piano, flute, piccolo, drums, bass, saxophone, guitar, and perhaps most impressive to me, an entire violin string section! And I'm betting that YOU have never heard any one person do all this, either!

Well, check it out, and if don't be surprised if your jaw doesn't drop the same way mine did, the first time I heard this...

- Contributed by: Dana Countryman

Image: Photo Strip

Media: 12" LP
Album: All By Myself
Label: Page Records
Catalog: 843K-3039