2003 DECEMBER 1 #335
Back in my vinyl-crawling days (high school, late '70s-early 80's) I came across this sociological chestnut, the late 60s groupie scene captured on Earth Records from Alan Lorber Productions. It cross-referenced well with my Zappa & the Mothers records and my interest in late 60s vinyl & pop culture.
From the back cover: "Bringing two girls in at a time, he (Lorber) put them in separate booths facing each other for a lifelike stereo effect..." (gotta have it in stereo!) "...I think The Groupies" will sell for a lot of reasons. For those on the scene but removed but removed from this particular activity, there is a double-edged fascination... For parents of teenage daughters, it will be the scare record of the year."
- Lou Ming, http://clik.to/moss, petemosslives@hotmail.com
TT-2:30 / 1.7MB / 96kbps 44.1khz

(Images courtesy of Lou Ming)