2003 OCTOBER 21 #294
Gissur - Beginnings/The Earth Is One Of Trillion Stars
- Contributed by Jef Stevens and Karl Hoffman
Background from Vanni-róni:
His complete name is Gissur Björn Eiríksson, kinda like Leif Eiríksson only not so famous yet. As far as I know, he still has an apartment at a sort of assisted living facility. While Gissur is a bit confused sometimes and wanders the street a lot, he is not what you would call a bum, and I hate when people use that expression for him (or the Icelandic equivalent "róni" as in "Rice-a-Roni").
My girlfriend's mom always tells people that I am a big fan of Gissur-róni. I tried to argue that he's not to be disparaged with such a negative title. Alas, she persists with Gissur róni. And she's a school teacher. It seems like she would have more respect. She even teaches learning disabled kids... how rude to talk down on Gissur when any one of her students is likely to end up similarly down and out. I believe he is doing quite well these days actually. He won an award in France.
I'll wake up in another day in my way and I'm going to the town. I'll wake up in a white room in my home I wake up in my house. In a red building in place of a white room and read my newspaper on a black table in the room. With table black and a television I wake up in the morning. In yellow night after the night before in morning after and when on the day evening night I'll wake up on a winters in a summers day I wake up. Winters room the rain is falling down of water in the town and then the rain is falling down in the city of country on a summer day.The Earth is one of Trillion Stars
Tomorrow I'll hope I'll play the railstation of a new day of home in the morning grace right after I learning in school. Learning in open with windows with strong hands outside I understand of black and people with the song of same year of fullness. In a strong card of the play like I travel, I long to live in the home with songs. I remember in a day and I coming back in a happy day with smile. I smile in a way of town and in place in the end of a day in the room. A new day of the morning in the same way of this story with air heaven in job I read the newspaper. In a day in the same true way in morning I had the name of the game the words and the newspaper of the morning words with girls. I calling the name of blowing winds different friends and way in our distance way dancing on a floor learn a lesson well.
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(Images courtesy of Jef Stevens & Karl Hoffman)