2003 OCTOBER 13 #286
Down By The Station - Ha, Ha, The Clown/Chocolate Train
When I found this Tinkerbell Records LP I was immediately drawn to the song "The Chocolate Train," before I even heard it, because the title reminded me of the old childhood classic: "Milk, milk, lemonade - 'Round the corner fudge is made! Press the button, pull the chain - Out comes chocolate choo-choo train! Put your finger in the hole - Now you have a Tootsie Roll!" Unfortunately it was not based on that rhyme, but it was still fairly cute and catchy nevertheless. "Ha, Ha, The Clown" was also a standout cut, but be warned that both of these songs will probably stick in your head for quite some time after hearing them.
- Jef Stevens & Karl Hoffman
TT-4:06 / 5.6MB / 192kbps 44.1khz

(Image courtesy of Jef Stevens & Karl Hoffman)