2003 OCTOBER 8 #281
Eddie Furman - Jobs I'd Like To Have
Eddie Furman played at the Palace in New York during the 1920's and recorded for Columbia as Furman and Nash. Appeared at Bill's Gay Nineties, NY, in 1938. Moved to Daytona Beach, Florida in 1952 and was at the Bali for nineteen years billed as "The Dean of Humor at the Piano." Died in 1971 at the age of 69.
This old 78 novelty record caught my attention with its unbelievable misogyny. Don't miss the dentist rape scene at the end. I found the biographical info on Eddie Furman at this interesting site: http://www.hensteeth.com/f_blue.html
- Gary Ouimet
TT-3:00 / 3.5MB / 160kbps 44.1khz

(Image courtesy of Gary Ouimet)