2003 OCTOBER 7 #280
The Goldwaters - It's Over Now/Win in '64
This record should be familiar to most fans of "Incredibly Strange" music, as it has been mentioned a few times in various publications over the years. Apparently, these young right wing conservatives lacked enough fans or friends to do an actual live recording so they had to resort to using piped-in laugh tracks and boos to make this sound like it was recorded in front of a live audience. According to the liner notes, the lead singer, Kenneth Crook, also worked in radio and was one of the "leading announcers" in the Mid-South. This, no doubt, was a big help in enabling these college-age kids to record this album. As dated as the politics on this record are, one can only imagine what these guys would be saying if they re-grouped and put out a second album in the year 2003. Chances are there would be one song on the album entitled "I Was Right!"
- Matt Grayer
TT-2:24 / 2.2MB / 128kbps 44.1khz
from "Folk Songs To Bug The Liberals" (Greenleaf
Records M101-63A) 1964

(Image courtesy of Matt Grayer)