2003 SEPTEMBER 26 #269
Bjørn & Jans Duo - Okie from Muskogee
Recently I bought several old harddisks from a defunct demo-recording studio. It was a place where people could walk in from the street and get a decent demo in just a few hours. Before erasing them I gave them a quick look through and discovered the masters to several demo-recordings. Most of them were quite good but one particular recording stuck out like a sore thumb. It was a particularly inept version of "Okie from Muskogee." The demo bore all the hallmarks of the sound engineer realizing early on that the vocalist couldn't sing and couldn't really pronounce the English lyrics - hence an "Okie" version filled with fuzzy Status Quo guitars and as far as I can figure out, a fuzzed-up accordion. The sound engineer who made this recording tells me that the artists involved were named "Bjørn & Jans Duo". They've since split up because of "creative differences" - what this entails one can only suspect.
- Arne Jonny Bakkevold
TT-2:40 / 2.5MB / 128kbps 44.1khz