2003 SEPTEMBER 25 #268
Tom Glazer - That Ignorant, Ignorant Cowboy
There's not much about this on the Internet. This is just Tom Glazer (of "On Top Of Spaghetti" fame) singing a nice little ditty about the "Ignorant Ignorant Cowboy" who contracts syphilis and then fails to see a doctor about it. The record label is marked "for operators only," which I believe meant that it was for use in a jukebox. I don't know if it was ever made for sale to the general public. I do know that Harvey Kurtzman illustrated a comic book version of this song in 1949, so I presume the record dates from the same time. The record label also reads "Sponsored by the Music Operators of America in Cooperation with the Health Department of the Nation."
- J.D. Mack
TT-2:50 / 2.6MB / 128kbps 44.1khz
78rpm Mercury 5319. Written by Tom Glazer and Eric Barnouw

(Image courtesy of J.D. Mack)