2003 SEPTEMBER 19 #262
The Purple Fox - Acid Test/Patch of Grass/Git Some/Getting Busted/Requiem for Jimi
This LP is produced by Leo Muller (Bobby & Betty Go To The Moon), who of course takes full production and song writing credits (on the non-Hendrix songs). "The Purple Fox" is considered to be a classic example of the type of rush job rip-off "tribute" album that Leo Muller spent his life hawking and making millions from. The bulk of the album is lashings of heavy guitar psych featuring awful covers of some Jimi classics, but the standout cuts are these five non-Hendrix songs. Whether this could "possibly fill the void left by Jimi" was optimistic beyond doubt - lacking something in the 'Fire' department by trying to be too faithful and reverent, right down to the vocal mannerisms.
Though Leo Muller (aka D. L. Miller) takes full writing and production credits the players listed on the album remain a mystery. The bulk of the tracks on this album were also issued on another Leo Muller album "Jeff Cooper and The Stoned Wings," (which was a German-only release) so it's very likely that the personnel listings on both albums are fictitious. Though this record was not issued in America it is possibly of American origin as some people feel that the group sounds remarkably similar to the Chicago-area band "The Exkursions" (A Christian rock band that was formed in Chicago in 1968).
NOTE: This is the "rare" stereo version of this LP.
Liner notes on the back of the LP:
"Alex Boggs is a young man "with hair down to his knees" (as the man said), that sings and plays a wailing guitar under the name, The Purple Fox.
His Sidemen: Bob Gray, bass, and drummer: Raff Witkin; both came up from New Orleans to join the Fox in St. Louis about a month after Jimi Hendrix's untimely death. Their understanding of the Hendrix idiom is uncanny. Their drive and the Fox's blues inflections could possibly fill the void left by Jimi.
Driving excitement - with a message; Listen baby, just listen!"
- Jef Stevens & Karl Hoffman
TT-14:19 / 13MB / 128kbps 44.1khz
from "A Tribute To Hendrix - The PURPLE FOX Sings
& Plays"
Summit Records Australia (SRA-037)

(Image courtesy of Jef Stevens & Karl Hoffman)