2003 SEPTEMBER 13 #256
Ezio Pinza with the Budapest String Quartet - Lovely Tune
Here is a recording I had completely forgotten I had, until I found it on a tape while I was looking for something else. What we have here is the great opera singer Ezio Pinza, at the start of his second career as a Broadway star, singing an off color ditty, accompanied by the Budapest String Quartet.
Here are the lyrics:
I shit more in the summertime than I do at any other time of year (x 2)
Shit in the morning, shit in the evening,
Shit in the afternoon.
And when I'm not sitting on the pot, I fart this lovely tune!
I shit more in the summertime than I do at any other time of year (x 2)
- Bob Purse
TT-2:59 / 2.7MB / 128kbps 44.1khz