2003 SEPTEMBER 10 #253
Harry Winkler - Animals Like The Pop
Since I appreciate the 365 days project very much, I would dearly like to give something back: I own a record called "Plastic Zoo" by Harry Winkler with several songs that are "sung" by sampled animals making grunts and moos and barfs and whatnot. Since it was released in the early 80's when samplers just begin being affordable, the samples sound really, really cheesy. Each song on the record is credited to the animals singing them: Billy Goat, "Rocky" Cock, The Waddle Duck and several others.
This song, "Animals like the pop" features beautifully vocoded animals voices and a not-so-subtle rip-off of Queen's "Another One Bites The Dust" bass line.
The album was released on Sonoton, a German label that produces background music and samples for film editors, so it was probably also used in animal-themed commercials and TV shows.
With kind regards,
- Nils Loeber, Tuebingen, Germany
TT-3:17 / 3MB / 128kbps 44.1khz
from the LP, "Plastic Zoo" (Sonoton)