2003 AUGUST 27 #239
Barbara Foster - San Clemente's Not The Same
I know almost zero about Barbara Foster, other than she has graced a few really strange records.
The story of how this small piece of vinyl came into my possession is probably more interesting anyway. At the age of about six, I fell in love with this record, eventually badgering its' owner to hand it over. Best guess is this platter is from about 1969, which made it a scant two years old when I weaseled my way into getting it. This and only three other records survive today from my early collection.
"San Clemente's Not The Same" is a rollicking bass-driven tune that gooses President Nixon for bringing the Washington crowd to that formerly sedate Southern California coastal town. The oft repeated refrain in the lyrics (Too funny to print here. You just have to listen!) ended up being even funnier in the ensuing years.
The most amazing thing about this record is that it was a B side to an incredibly sappy song called ""Loving In My Heart". Enjoy!
- Rocketboy
TT-2:12 / 2MB / 128kbps 44.1khz
from Preview Records 1686-2

Sammy Reed writes:
This is what is called a "song-poem" record. ""Song-poems" were made by companies that placed
ads in tabloids wanting you to send in words. You'd
send in the words, then you got a letter back wanting
you to send a sum of money. Then, they made records
of songs using the words sent in by the people who paid
them. There's a website called www.aspma.com - "American
Song-Poem Music Archives" - which goes into more
detail about song-poems. It also has an mp3 section
where you can hear other songs that were recorded by
various song-poem labels (and there were a bunch of
them!), such as Preview.