2003 AUGUST 12 #224
Bill Lawrence and his Talking Guitar - Pussy Baby
This song is the B-side from a 7" single I found at a flea market in Munich, Bavaria some years ago. Apart from the funny double-meaning of its "lyrics" its quite a groovy song. I have no idea who Bill Lawrence is nor where he came from. He seems to have made records on Columbia America, "Time Out For Tears" and ""Can't Seem To Laugh Anymore" although these titles don't sound as if it can be the same Bill Lawrence who smiles so happily on the cover of "Pussy Baby". Also nothing much is known about the label Cornet, except that it was located in Forsbach near Cologne, Germany, was specialized in "schlager"-music and probably didn't exist long after 1970. Other names on the Cornet label were Ulla Norden, Peter Orloff, Roland W., The Jay Five, Les Shalom and Cockie Kay. Some of these even sound familiar...
- Moritz R., http://www.moritzr.de/ - Berlin, 6th of July, 2003
TT-2:52 / 2.6MB / 128kbps 44.1khz

(Image courtesy of Moritz R.)
Markus Lloyd writes:
Thought I recognized the face. Check, http://www.billlawrence.com/index.html
for a whole bundle of info though I can"t
find ref. To Pussy Baby.
Scott McKnight writes:
Bill Lawrence is a reasonably well known and respected
maker and designer of pickups for electric guitars. I've
owned a couple guitars that I bought used with his pickups
installed by previous owners. I recently purchased a pickup
from Bill to replace the stock bridge pickup in my Telecaster.
It's funny seeing him showing up on the 365 Days Project
web site.