2003 AUGUST 10 #222
Joseph Megierman - Bar Mitzvah (3-3-1956)
Home recorded discs are always scarce in the thrift stores I frequent and picking up one of incredible keepsake value is rare. For years I treasured this disc and recently passed it on to a close friend for his collection. Before I did that however I recorded the audio to the computer and cleaned up the recording considerably taking out large pops, but keeping the original sound intact to the best of my abilities.
Recorded on March 3, 1956 (almost a half a century ago) this recording is another personal glimpse into someone's life and a wonderful one to share on the 365 Days Project. Hope you enjoy as much as I do.
- Otis Fodder
TT-9:08 / 8.4MB / kbps 44.1khz
from 78rpm home recorded disc
label reads: "Personal Recording Studios"