2003 AUGUST 5 #217
Three Pea's In A Podd - Goin' Out Of My Head
Back in the early 80's I would travel across the state to Kalamazoo to visit friends. One of our regular activities were to hit the goodwills and resale shops for undiscovered treasures. At one of the goodwill locations I searched through hundreds of records. Walking out with what I thought would be some real gems. On our return from our hunt I plopped the Peas on the the turntable and what came from the speakers had me wondering.
Wondering why I hadn't been looking for this sort of thing prior to this find. Aside from "An Evening With Wild Man Fischer" I would say this is the record that changed shopping habits.
Three Peas In A Podd were a Michigan band, I assume playing weddings and lounge gigs. There is something wrong (incorrect) about every element of this group. From the off key trumpet playing to off key singing. Just listen to "Going Out Of My Head." All of this is present on this cut for Three Peas In A Podd.
- Tod Smith
TT-4:38 / 5.3MB / 160kbps 44.1khz
from the LP, "Three Pea's In A Podd" (String
Bean Productions PRSD-2190)

(Images courtesy of The TOD and Otis Fodder)