2003 JULY 31 #212
My girlfriend & I recently visited Europe. On our last day there, we were watching television in our hotel room in Munich while packing up, and there was this reportage on one DJ Ötzi. He was shown leading a group of middle-aged folks in this dance (think the Chicken Dance crossed with the Macarena) that involved a really obnoxious song whose lyrics consisted of "Pizza Hut, Pizza Hut/Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut". The gestures suggested a Pizza Hut roof and a chicken.
As it turns out, DJ Ötzi's version was a remix of a song by a German group called Rabaue (http://rabaue.de/). A little background on Rabaue (thanks to Google and its translator link): They're a quartet of beefy guys from Cologne, Germany. Apparently, the song was a big hit around Carnival time, having entered the German Hit Parade this past February at number 7. Each year Cologne, or Köln, hosts the largest German version of Mardi Gras called Fasching, and silly songs are part of Mardi Gras festivities worldwide. I guess this qualifies, but the cultural trainwreck that this song causes is still rather horrific. Talk about the detrimental effects of American "culture" worldwide -- this is prima facie evidence.
- Carlos Desperdicio
TT-2:52 / 4MB / 192kbps 44.1khz

(Image courtesy of Carlos Desperdicio)
Sammy Reed writes:
Last year, my niece was 4 years old. She sang this song
and said they sang this at the preschool she went to.
FYI, We live in the state of Tennessee.
Jen D. writes:
An Engish cover/adaption recently made @top 10 of
the British charts. Fast food Song by Fast food rockers
(cheesy novelty girl group dressed like US waitress')
same chorus but with suggestive verses, the rest of its
actually alright - the chorus reminded me of a 80s playground
skipping chant!
Bubukaba writes:
That Pizza Hut song! We used to sing that in kindergarden!
Our version had the bit sung over in over in this recording
as the chorus, and then something along the lines of "Your
father said make up your mind/Or all these places will
be left behind" as a bridge. All of this, of course, accompanied
by hand motions.
Moritz R. writes:
That is a Karneval band. You can find millions of songs
like that. It's a genre of its own.
Marco writes:
One more note on that awful pizza hut song: the German
version is an adaption of the 'original' Dutch version
that was a hit last year here in the Netherlands. It was
done by radio personality Erik Dikeb. The song (sic!)
is a hit in England too.
Blue2 writes:
I was wondering if anyone had a full translation of the
german version?
Frank writes:
I have no idea why you want to punish yourself but
as you asked for it ... here you go:
'Ne Pizza Hut, 'ne Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken und 'ne Pizza Hut -
McDonalds, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken und 'ne Pizza Hut!
Ich stehe jetzt vor euch wie ein Adonis,
mein Leibgericht sind Haemchen und Cannelonis.
Die Menschen sind auf mich janz jeck,
jedes Gramm wird geliebt von meinem Speck!
Jetzt mach' ich Sport, dat ist der Hit,
drum strengt euch an und macht alle mit!
'Ne Pizza Hut ...
Um mein Gewicht zu halten mach' ich keinen Sport,
Fahradfahren, joggen - das ist Mord!
Das Richtige hab' ich jetzt entdeckt:
ich mach' eine Fast Food Diaet!
Jetzt mach' ich Sport, dat ist der Hit,
drum strengt euch an und macht alle mit!
'Ne Pizza Hut ...
So Freunde, ihr habt lang genug geuebt -
jetzt doppeltes Tempo!
'Ne Pizza Hut ...
* * * * *
A Pizza Hut, a Pizza Hut, Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut -
McDonalds, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken and a Pizza Hut!
I'm standing right in front of you like an Adonis,
my favorite meals are knuckle of pork and cannelloni.
The folks are quite crazy about me,
every gram of my flab is beloved!
Now I'm doing sport, that's the hit -
so everybody make an effort and join in!
A Pizza Hut ...
To preserve the weight I gained I'm doing no sport,
cycling, jogging: it's murder!
I just discovered the right thing:
I'm keeping a fast food diet!
Now I'm doing sport, that's the hit -
so everybody make an effort and join in!
'Ne Pizza Hut ...
Ok friends, you practised long enough -
double speed now!
* * * * *
If you're missing some kind of sense and meaning in the translation - the original text doesn't contain much of that either. Though, compared to other songs like this one which are pretty popular especially during the carnival season here in Rhineland, you may call it yet a rather intellectual one...

(Concert image courtesy of Moritz R.)