2003 JULY 22 #203
Larry Krone - I Can't Do Anything/Over The Rainbow
The recordings featured today were performed live on my radio show, Back To The Basics. Before Larry came to Germany my friend Silke told me a bit about Larry (see letter below) for I had never heard anything about him before that :
Dear Marcus,
During the time I worked as a New York Correspondent for 'Art Magazine' I met a wonderful artist who performed mainly in small Bars or Galleries but also recently put a show on stage at the Whitney Museum. Larry Krone is a real off-scene-person but also pretty well known in the New York art world.
Now Larry was visiting me for a few days and brings his ukulele - what means he is ready for a show. Larry said to me, "Maybe I should bring my ukulele and find an old cabaret to do my country Marlene Dietrich routine." It´s hard to describe exactly what he is doing but I´m sure somehow that you would like it. He is portraying a kind of soft old fashioned American big city cowboy, playing ukulele, singing country songs (and his own compositions) and everything he does is soaked with the certainty that he never would become Elvis Presley, never marry Marilyn Monroe, never will have any money and so on.
Maybe this sounds a little too cliché but it´s everything else but that. That is why it is so hard to describe. It´s not ironical, not at all cynical, not postmodern and also not retro. It´s never cool, not at all comedy and absolutely free of vanity. However, I extraordinarily appreciate Larry and his work and otherwise would not try to attract you for his performance.
All the Best,
Larry Krone can be found on the web at, http://www.larrykrone.com/
- Marcus Maack aka Der Vinylizer
BTTB (Back To The Basics), http://www.vinylizer.net
TT-8:12 / 7.5MB / 128kbps 44.1khz

(Images courtesy of Larry Krone & Marcus Maack)
Christina McGrath writes:
Thank you, Larry. I was so inspired, I decided to
drink and cry at my deskbar. I think everyone should do
it. You don't have to be an artist.