2003 JUNE 23 #174
In the '60s and '70s, the Mark Century Corporation was one of the radio industry's preeminent producers of jingles, production music and daily time-fillers. The minute-long segment "For Women Only," hosted by the perky-voiced Evelyn Allen, was one of the latter, a handy way to fill those annoying dead spaces just before the local news. There's no date on this LP, which features 30 lock-grooved tips, five in each of six different topics, but judging by the topics and overall feel, I'd place it within two years of either side of 1972. Over the same bouncy flute and guitar riff, Miss Allen (she sounds as if she wasn't a Ms.) muses on topics ranging from the many uses of canned biscuit dough to the kicky hipness of colored plastics, from how to care for the new double-knit fashions to how the children of the future (say, in that far off year of 1995, when I bought this LP) will be taught by home computers.
- Stewart Mason
TT-11:35 / 10.6MB / 128kbps 44.1khz
From the LP "For Women Only" (Mark Century Corporation
NAB-1963) no date

(Image courtesy of Stewart Mason)