2003 JUNE 16 #167
Bonnie Prudden - Leg Exercises: 319 La Cienega
This track is from her album 'Fitness For Teens'. For awhile there I would get almost any old exercise record to be found, there'd always be something funny. Either some lethargic narrator trying to 'pump you up' or some off -key overly enthusiastic fitness guru yakking away over the hits of yesteryear. This particular track stands out for its fast pace, so fast, in fact, that she sounds out of breath at times, like she herself can't even keep up with it all. How some overweight suburban housewife is supposed to is anybody's guess. Another old exercise album I have, called 'The Magic of Movement', was made for senior citizens who really can't move much anymore, and is way way slower-paced than this one. Bonnie Prudden wrote lots of books, did these albums (which usually came with a fold-out postersheet of photos of folks doing the exercises), and also, as the back cover of this album says, "Exercise Clothing by Bonnie Prudden Fitness Fashions, Inc.". Right on! Keep moving!!!
- Steve Asparagus
TT-2:45 / 3.2MB / 160kbps 44.1khz
from the LP, "Fitness For Teens"

Strictly Kev writes:
Got to say i love Mondays choice - Bonnie Prudden -
Leg Exercises: 319 La Cienega - what a track behind
her! Anyone know what it is and who it's by? Great the
way she can't keep time very well either...