2003 JUNE 12 #163
Take a trip back to Swinging London, to a time when Saturday night was indeed "the zippiest night of the week"; when spending just over ten English pounds in your local branch of John Collier Menswear would immediately "up" your smoothness factor; when "fabulous fabrics" were thought to include various types of plastic fibre; to a time when high-street stores gave out groovy promos on 7" vinyl..... With a typically cut-glass "get hip, dad" intro by top BBC voice Brian Matthew, and a Johnny Johnson Orchestra jingle which verges on the ridiculous (those timpani!), can any aspiring sophisticate resist the allure of the Saturday Night Suit?
- Phil Clark
TT-2:06 / 2.4MB / 160kbps 44.1khz (MONO)

(Image courtesy of Phil Clark)