2003 MAY 12 #132
Fred Astaire - Attitude Dancing
I use to teach tap dancing to kids before I went to college. One of my favorite dancers and singers was Fred Astaire. I played Astaire records while teaching the kids to tap dance. For some reason they always got freaked out when I put this song on. Astaire was known for singing such songs as "Puttin" on the Ritz', "Cheek to Cheek', and "The Way You Look Tonight'. But his cover of Carly Simon"s "Attitude Dancing' leaves me speechless. I found this record at a London flea market while studying abroad and this is still one of my treasured finds. It"s both fun and unbearable to listen to Astaire trying to keep up with the disco band and singers. And I just love the emotion he displays in this song! Why he lost the Academy Award to Robert DeNiro in 1975 I don"t know. I hope everyone enjoys this song as much as I have.
- Jen, Former co-host (1999-2002), "Oldies and Oddities' (http://www.geocities.com/oldiesandoddities)
TT-3:50 / 4.4MB / 160kbps 44.1khz
from the album "Attitude Dancing' (1975)