2003 APRIL 19 #109
Victor Buono was a fat man. I'm not being cruel, he was very proud of it. Every track on his 1971 comedy album celebrates size with titles such as "A Word To The Wide", "We're The Most", and "Lard Lib". The album is very enjoyable too, until on the B-side we reach "I Am" an anti-abortion bit that completely destroys the fun atmosphere made by the earlier routines. It's hard not to listen to this and not frown. This is non-musical, but it's so much like the well known Lil' Markie bit "Diary Of An Unborn Child", I thought I'd bring it out. This is my party killer record.
- Mike Harras
TT-4:51 / 5.6MB / 160kbps 44.1khz
from "Victor Buono - Heavy!" Celebration - CEL1862(E)

(Image courtesy of Mike Harras)