2003 APRIL 18 #108
notes from album:
Modern as today and in tune with our youth - the drivers of tomorrow, Chevrolet Motor Division proudly presents an innovation in Driver Education, Chevrolet Sings Of Safe Driving And You.
This album is another example of Chevrolet's continuing effort to communicate with American youth... and convey to them the necessity for sound, sensible, safe driving.
The messages you'll find set to music in this album were created to help establish a new tone in Driver Education Courses. The style, tempo, and sound are contemporary - with listenable lyrics that point up the basics of learning to drive safely.
Under the Chevrolet Driver Education Program, new Chevrolets are made available to educational institutions for Driver Education purposes through local Chevrolet Dealers - and year after year across the nation, more Chevrolets are provided than any other make.
In addition, Chevrolet supplies Motion Pictures, Slidefilms, Teachers' Guides, Classroom Charts and Student Booklets to qualified Driver Education Courses.
It is our belief that early education of young people in good driving practices is an investment that will pay off in safer roads for the future. It is towards this end that the Chevrolet Driver Education Program is dedicated.
- Contributed by Otis Fodder
TT-6:15 / 7.2MB / 160kbps 44.1khz
from the LP, "Chevrolet Sings Of Safe Driving And
You" Mid-1960's