2003 APRIL 14 #104
From the back of the LP cover, a letter reads:
Office of the President
December 10, 1963To Xerox People:
This album has been prepared so that we will never forget a happy occasion of great significance to Xerox - the introduction of the 813.On September 16 to 17, field managers of the Marketing division from all over the country were called to Rochester for their first glimpse of the 813. The meeting centered around a musical production with the theme, "Take It From Here." we believe the music, especially written for this important event, tells the Xerox story, and we believe that you, our co-workers at Xerox, will be delighted with this tribute to the history and growth of the company.
Really, it is a tribute to you because you have taken a "dream of destiny" and helped make it a reality. We hope you enjoy this album and will "Take It From Here."
J C Wilson
This industrial musical has extremely high production values and I think the Jam Handy Corporation deserves a tip o' the hat!
- Henry Lowengard, jhhl@wfmu.org, http://www.echo.net/~jhhl/
TT-3:17 / 4.5MB / 192kbps 44.1khz
from the LP, "Take It From Here" (1963)
Relevant Links...
Industrial Musicals by Jonathan Ward:
http://www.furious.com/perfect/industrialmusicals.htmlOrchestral Corporate by Robert Fink:
has another excerpt from Take It From Here.and any reference to Jam Handy, including a lot of films at

(Image courtesy of Henry Lowengard)