2003 APRIL 11 #101
Ad Zielsdorf - There Was A Time Ago
When I first saw this record it was to intriguing to pass up. Nothing more than "I Wrote A Song For You" By: Ad Zielsdorf on the cover, no track list no liner notes or anything. Once I threw it on I couldn't believe my ears. From the incessant whining of the strings to the absence of rhythm in the rhythm section this album is truly a gem (my favorite part of the whole album is the drum fill at the very end of this song.) A little later I found out that Action Records (the label its on) was a song poem label. If you like this track and for more information on song poems you should check out the American Song-Poem Music Archives as they have mp3s of song poems a searchable discography and a description of what a song poem is.
- The Apartment, http://www.gondolamusic.com
TT-2:18 / 3.2MB / 192kbps 44.1khz
from the LP, "The Big Sounds -- I Wrote A Song For
(Action Records, AC-1113)