2003 APRIL 6 #096
Uncle Bob's Storybook Room - The Lord's Will
If you saw a cassette labeled "Barn Owl Your Kidney Antarctic" at a thrift store, could YOU resist? I couldn"t, and I was rewarded with 10 episodes of Uncle Bob"s Nature Corner and Storybook Room.
In the Nature Corner segments, Uncle Bob conducts educational interviews with various wonders of science (including Bruce the Barn Owl, Mr. Kidney and Aunt Arctica), all of whom sound suspiciously like Bob disguising his voice.
The Storybook Room series features Bob and his son Tim pondering age-old theological questions, aided by song and scriptural dramatization. In this selection, Tim asks ""What is God"s will for our lives?' Heavy stuff for a kids" show, and the good Uncle makes the most of it by lecturing his young listeners about sexual morality. The exchange fills me with such perverse joy that I must take issue with Bob"s conclusion: dirty jokes can"t possibly be against the will of God. How can anyone hear this and still believe otherwise?
A quick web search tipped me off to Uncle Bob"s identity: Bob Devine, author of such titles as "Uncle Bob Talks With My Digestive System" and "Uncle Bob"s Kangaroo and Squirrel Book". His radio programs were produced by the Moody Broadcasting Network (Chicago, IL) and still appear to be airing in a few markets.
- Suzanne Baumann, http://www.fridge-mag.net/
TT-6:36 / 6MB / 128kbps 44.1khz
from the cassette, "Barn Owl Your Kidney