2003 MARCH 10 #069
Anthony Hopkins - Distant Star
This was one of those 'must buy' incidents; I've spent so much time trawling thru badly stacked, random piles of discs, the same old names, the same old covers, sometimes no covers at all - so, picture my smile as I witness, gazing from a drawer on top of an old chest in a temporary, charity shop, in chiswick, W4 - (that's"chiz-ick", for anyone outside the UK), the wry, disheveled lounge-lizard looks of a mid-eighties, not-yet-serial-killing, Anthony Hopkins! Bude-iful!
The thin, paper sleeve; the juice label, so low budget, it can't be true, I thought, biting my lower lip, but there was the face: unmistakable...
I simply had to buy it, 50p, but it seemed strangely indulgent, I'd got my heart set on the 1972 Australian cricket team single also present (stay tuned!) - yes, it was a must buy.
As I listened to it at home, a slight crackle, clearly not unplayed, I consulted with the Guinness book of hit singles - had this release troubled the top 75, surely not? My god, it had - number 75, for one week, the lowest of the low....
- Lazyeye
TT-3:47 / 3.5MB / 128kbps 44.1khz
from A-Side 45rpm Single (Juice Records) 1986