2003 FEBRUARY 18 #049
Virginia Rogers - Thanks for the Memories, "Bear" Bryant
The 1983 death of the legendary University of Alabama football coach unleashed a regional avalanche of tribute records. This one, sung by a typical Alabama housewife type over an instrumental track of "Precious Memories," is one of the cheesiest. Apparently it was recorded in 1981 as a tribute to the still-living "Bear," but I didn't discover it until I saw Mrs. Rogers lip-synching (!) her recording on the 'Country Boy Eddie' early morning show on Birmingham's WBRC Television shortly after Bryant's death.
- Perry Amberson
TT-3:34 / 4.09MB / 160kbps 44.1khz
from A-side of Crimson 45 C 1981

(Image courtesy of Perry Amberson)