2003 FEBRUARY 7 #038
Brute Force Words :
For 24 hours The King of Fuh shall make this website his Kingdom, The beautiful Land of Fuh. Thanks to Thee, O Net surfer, for traveling to the Land of Fuh, on Otis Fodder's ingenious website.
Maybe you are surprised to know that The King of Fuh was on the lips of millions today.
Yes, this very day, FEBRUARY 7, 2003, so many people, worldwide, are saying a word which sounds just like ""Fuh King", in many different contexts, many times with despair, with hatred, with lust, with humor and also, joyfully, with love.
Yet, King of Fuh takes the word that sounds like "Fuh King", and is said many millions of times everyday, worldwide, and raises it into a context expressing the Beauty of the world and the power of Individuality.
The changing of a taboo word becomes a force for good and joy in the world.
The breaking of word taboo is not without consequence, however. Instead of distribution by Capitol and EMI, the record was censored, not distributed. At 28, I was on the verge of international recognition, had the suits and execs not cringed with fear, and shriveled back into their mouldy blackness, trying to escape the Light. Imagine...John Lennon advocated passionately for the record. George Harrison actually took it under his wings and helped it fly...and still
...It's all different now. Now I'm distributing King of Fuh on Brute Force Records. And Brute Force Music is finding its way around the world.
Underground piracy, The Internet, and working in show business for the last 34 years have brought Brute Force into International recognition which the censor execs at Capitol and EMI refused to envision and attempt to produce 34 years ago.
What is so great is that in APRIL, 2002, The Coronation of The King of Fuh occurred at The Academy rock club in Birmingham, UK. I played with Misty's Big Adventure, 9 piece band, & King of Fuh rocked. (video of Coronation at www.brutesforce.com)
________________________________________DEDICATION TO:
You who long to see this planet live long in Beauty...
You who are one Individual...
You who have been beaten down and have arisen to fight again
You who Create...Art in any form...painters, poets, composers, dancers,
photographers, performers, musicians, songwriters, singers...especially You
Writers who have, thru your Art and Craft, generously helped this
reincarnation...You who hold down a job and keep yourself afloat and create Art and jam when
you can...
You who scream bloody murder in the nights of despair, only to rise in the morning,
so tired you can't think, yet get it together and trudge on, out the door,
so you can make money...somewhereYou who stand on a high hill overlooking the sea...
You who sit at an open window, alone in a cabin, looking out at an endless
flowered meadow, and the wind gently blows in..You who cherish the written word...the spoken word and the song sung...
To You... and to the unseen and unbelievably tortured souls
who at this moment are being horribly forced and brutalized,
and need someone to carry them out of harms way
into Liberty.You who pray for peace...
To All who know the majesty of this life, this opportunity
Your Servant
TT-3:00 / 3.45MB / 160kbps 44.1khz
from 45rpm Apple Records Single, Apple8, Released May
16, 1969 (UK)