2003 FEBRUARY 3 #034
The Reckless Penguins - Dinner Music for a Pack of Hungry Cannibals
In 1996 and 1997, I produced large-scale Raymond Scott tribute concerts at NYC's Bottom Line. Invitations were extended to rock, jazz, electronic, and cross-genre artists to take Scott's music and "arrange it any way except like the originals." Both familiar and obscure compositions by Scott were explored. These were gala events, featuring a roster of stellar NYC music figures (25 in all, too numerous to list). The concerts were recorded and mixed on 24 tracks by Paul Verna. Someday perhaps they'll be commercially released (any takers?), but to date these recordings have never been available in any form. For financial and logistical reasons, we did not stage a third concert in '98. However, in 1999, I enlisted seven participants and formed The Raymond Scott Orchestrette, whose mission carried on the concept -- to bring Scott's music into the 21st century with daringly original arrangements.
The Reckless Penguins existed only for the two Scott tribute concerts. They transformed several of Scott's jazz-novelty numbers into rock rave-ups.
- Irwin Chusid, http://www.keyofz.com
The Reckless Penguins:
Dave Amels (electra melodica)
Chris Bolger (guitar)
Bob Brainen (bass)
Chris Butler (guitar)
Dennis Diken (drums)
Enrico Granafei (harmonica)
R. Stevie Moore (lead guitar)
Recorded September 21, 1996 at the concert "Reckless Night On Board The
Bottom Line: A Birthday Tribute To Raymond Scott"
Engineer: Paul Verna/Vernacular Music
TT-4:32 / 6.24MB / 192kbps 44.1khz