2003 JANUARY 12 #012
Michael Mills - Hidden & Satanic Messages In Rock Music
This 1981 Christian radio show (with host Michael Mills) exposes the threat of secret messages in your Rock and Roll! During the 45 minute radio show he covers a ton of artists... I'm playing 4 of my favorite segments on... Led Zeppelin, Kiss, The Beatles and Queen. Burn your records! Repent!
- Otis Fodder
TT-9:51 / 9.03MB / 128kbps 44.1khz
from 1981 Christian radio show

Michael Egan writes:
This brings back memories for me, as Battle Creek,
MI is my home town and I remember Mr. Mills and his
absurd crusade against rock music. He also claimed
that Santana was a satanic reference, that Strawberry
Fields Forever was about shooting heroin and all sorts
of preposterous things. He got uncritical coverage
in the B.C. Shopper and the Battle Creek Enquirer and
News, citing all sorts of "facts". I wrote
a 5 page letter to the latter paper, pointing out the
many errors and unwarranted assumptions he made and
they printed it in full. After that, he was a "prophet
without honor" in Battle Creek and the paper refrained
from covering anymore of his crusade. About a year
later, he moved and I haven't heard anything more of
him until today, when I checked your page for more "outsider" mp3s.
It was the most religious fun we'd had in Battle Creek
since a preacher in Pennfield got his parishioners
to dump their TV sets in the church parking lot and
start a bonfire with them, earning the disapproval
of the township fire marshall. That happened in the
late 60s - BC has advanced somewhat since then.
Lewis writes:
Years ago my missus worked at a psychiatric residential
home where one of the patients told her how the government
was communicating to her (the patient) through the NY
Times -- and would proceed to show her underlined words
picked out from throughout the paper that added up to
these "secret messages." How is that crazier
than Mr. Mills manually turning those records backwards,
interpreting them as he wants (I sure don't hear the words
he does), and then assembling little snippets of them
in an order that suits his purposes? Why wasn't he locked
up? Why did anyone ever listen to him? I think American
parents, then as now (when they try to blame the metal
bands their kids listen to before killing themselves or
their peers), would much rather find some external evil
to blame than look at themselves or society to try to
understand their children. Very scary and sad. You'd think
that by 1981, especially after the Beatles had been sanitized
and sanctified by the likes of Tony Randall and Anthony
Newley on network television, guys like this would have
left the Beatles alone!
Sartoris-Belaqua writes:
I loved the way he unintentionally fucked with
one of the recordings (Queen?) so that he could play
it backward and forward for you. Do you think he went
on to pursue a career as a dj? I know that I must be
filled with the spirit of Satan, as I never quite hear
what the evangelists seem to hear... I thought the
Beatles were saying something about 'early deadmen,'
and I thought Led Zeppelin said something about 'certain,'
not 'Satan.' Well, I must go; no rest for the wicked.
Monica writes:
Had to say thanks (?) for taking me back to my
middle school days with your track Michael Mills -
Hidden & Satanic Messages In Rock Music, that's
when I went to a Lutheran school and I'm pretty sure
came Michael Mills to speak. Even my middle school
mind was able to realize this guy was full of crap.
I remember one of my teachers coming in to class the
next day and saying how she threw out all her sons
Olivia Newton John albums (mike mills discussed the
carnal messages of ms. john in his talk with us- ha!),
good god, (no pun intended).
Sartoris-Belaqua writes:
Last weekend I was playing around with the iTunes program on this computer
and decided to convert some mp3s to aifs and make a 'regular' cdr, just to
see what would happen. And they all came out fine -- except for Mills' track,
which had these strange bleed-through blips of other tracks or something. Maybe
Satan has figured out that backmasking isn't working all that well anymore.
Anyway, I thought it was amusing and appropriate that Michael Mills' Hidden & Satanic
Messages is the track that got 'corrupted.'