2003 JANUARY 1 #001
Unknown (Two Women Singing) - Audiodisc Recording (78rpm)
Found at the Seattle Goodwill in 2000. Two women singing quite off key and really going for broke on this home recording. To find out more on acetates and audiodiscs click here. Quality of the disc is very scratchy, it sounds at times as if was used as a Frisbee and there's an annoying hum throughout the song but to clean it up would be pointless. Enjoy it as if you put the needle down yourself.
- Otis Fodder
TT-2:36 / 3.57MB / 192kbps 44.1khz

David Fairbanks Ford writes:
Stunning performance of Irving Berlin's "You're Just In
Love", o my gosh, who are these ladies? I'll bet they
both smoked. A lot. I'll bet they could hold a cocktail and
cigarette in one hand and belt out "Darktown Strutters
Ball" at the same time. This must have made parties with
the two them lively. Bet their husbands said nothing. For thirty
years. The harmonics on that record could also be studied by
the aerospace industry. What a great country we live in and
it's all because of women like those two.
Mertle writes:
These women are just fantastic, they sounded like they had
so much fun singing "You`re Just In Love" I agree
on the cocktail thing, although I thought maybe a thin lady's
cigar was more the case as far as smokes go. Wow, actually
very inspiring...cheers ladies. ;)