

Man Ray (1890-1976)

Adonsim, Some Poems by Man Ray, 1914 [PDF, 1.6mb]

Published in 1914 in Ridgefield where OTHERS collective (other prominent figures include William Carlos Williams, Mina Loy, Marianne Moore and Alfred Kreymborg) was based. It was their first step in publishing - which culminated later in 1915 in form Others: A Magazine of the New Verse.

Poems are built using the same method as was used in rayogramms a little bit later and in different medium. First its accumulations of images - then they make chains and let themselves to be piled into the small box - to lie uncovered. Theres also traces of Moyshe-Leyb Halpern poetry deep in the imagery and rhythm. Because of small amount of poems in the end "That's All?" happens and poems start to fall apart - giving unintentional innuendo to later One Hundred Thousand Billions of Sonnets by Raymond Queneau

Courtesy of the poet and editor of Extreme Writing Community.

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