
Edited by Louis Aragon, André Breton, and Philippe Soupault. Paris, 1919-1924. 20 numbers; new series, 13 numbers.

First Series (1919-21)

No. 1 [PDF, 5.4 mb]
No. 3 [PDF, 6.3 mb]
No. 4 [PDF, 6.8 mb]
No. 5 [PDF, 5.5 mb]
No. 6 [PDF, 5.8 mb]
No. 7 [PDF, 6.1 mb]
No. 8 [PDF, 7.1 mb]
No. 9 [PDF, 6.4 mb]
No. 10 [PDF, 6.7 mb]
No. 11 [PDF, 6.6 mb]
No. 12 [PDF, 6.4 mb]
No. 13 [PDF, 5.5 mb]
No. 14 [PDF, 8.0 mb]
No. 15 [PDF, 6.5 mb]
No. 16 [PDF, 13.2 mb]
No. 17 [PDF, 7.1 mb]
No. 18 [PDF, 7.1 mb]
No. 19 [PDF, 4.5 mb]

New Series (1922)

No. 1 [PDF, 2.1 mb]
No. 2 [PDF, 7.8 mb]
No. 3 [PDF, 11.4 mb]
No. 4 [PDF, 11.2 mb]
No. 5 [PDF, 7.7 mb]
No. 6 [PDF, 7.1 mb]
No. 7 [PDF, 7 mb]
No. 8 [PDF, 6.3 mb]
No. 9 [PDF, 5.1 mb]
No. 11-12 [PDF, 10.6 mb]

Littérature, like 391, began independently of Dada and outlasted it. André Breton, in one of his Dada manifestos described Dada as a "stae of mind" but later grudgingly remarked that "Dada was never considered by us as anything but the coarse image of a state of mind to whose creation it had not contributed." This hardly does justice to the Dada episode in Paris and indicates Breton's ignorance of or indifference to Dada's activities and influence in Germany and Eastern Europe [...]
  • The editors, Breton, Louis Aragon and Philippe Soupault, had met in 1917 during the war, and had already come to the notice of the Paris intelligentsia. They swiftly developed plans to start a review, which was the means of establishing and individual intellectual space within the Paris literary world. After several false starts and thanks to an inheritance by Soupault the first issue of the review was published in March 1919 [...]
  • Poems by Tristan Tzara had begun to appear from October 1919, and indeed there had been a review of Tzara's 'Dada Manifesto 1918' in the very first issue of Littérature, although without immediate consequences, by the remarkable woman Raymonde Linossier. The high point of Dada in Littérature was the publication of the 'Twenty-three dada Manifestos' in May 1920, and there are echoes throughout 1920 and 1921 of the 'dada seasons', with their manifestations, performances and exhibitions. The first series of the review retained its compact format, austere presentation and yellow cover and only occasionally broke out with a temporary burst of unconventional typography [...]
    Dawn Ades, 'Littérature', in The Dada Reader. A Critical Anthology / edited by Dawn Ades (Tate Publishing : London 2006) 162-165.
      • N° 1 (March 1919) - N° [21 (September-October 1921); Nouvelle série N° 1 (March 1922) - N° 13 (June 1924).
      • Edited by Louis Aragon, André Breton, Philippe Soupault (N° 1-19); Soupault (N° 20); Breton and Soupault (nouv. sér. N° 1-12); Breton (nouv. sér. N° 13). Published by Au Sans Pareil, Paris.
      • Special Numbers:
        • N° 13 (May 1920) Vingt-trois Manifestes du mouvement Dada
        • N° 20 (August 1921) L'Affaire Barrès I.
        • [N° 21 (September-October 1921) L'Affaire Barrès II.]
      • Monthly N° 1-12; bimonthly (irregular) N° 13-20; monthly (irregular) Nouv. sér. N° 1-8; irregular Nouv. sér. N° 9-13. N° 11-17 called also 2e année; N° 18-20 called also 3e année.
      • 24, 32 pp. ; 22,5 x 14,4 cm.
    • André Gide, Paul Valéry, L.P. Fargue, A. Salmon, Pierre Reverdy, Max Jacob, Blaise Cendrars, J. Paulhan, André Breton, I. Ducasse, Guillaume Apollinaire, B. Fay, Darius Milhaud, G. Auric, S. Mallarmé, P. Morand, Paul Éluard, A. Rimbaud, Louis Aragon, R. Radiguet, Jacques Vaché, Tristan Tzara, Philippe Soupault, Walter Serner, Hans Arp, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, Paul Dermée, Francis Picabia, Max Ernst, C. Pansaers, B. Péret and others.
    • printed
      • Reprinted in the series 'Collection des réimpressions des revues d'avant garde' no 14 by Éditions Jean-Michel Place (Paris 1978).
      • [anthology] Dawn Ades, 'Littérature', in The Dada Reader. A Critical Anthology / edited by Dawn Ades (Tate Publishing : London 2006) 161-232.