
Le Coeur à barbe. Edited by Tristan Tzara. Paris, 1922. 1 Number.

No. 1 ( Paris, 1922) [PDF, 4.1mb]

The first and only issue of a "transparent newspaper" published by Tristan Tzara in April, 1922 in reply to André Breton's attacks on him in the March 2nd issue of Comoedia. It contains texts by Éluard, Ribemont-Dessaignes, Satie, Fraenkel, Huidobro, Péret, Soupault, Duchamp, etc. The cover design by Tzara is one of the best-known and most appealing graphic inventions of Paris Dada. The affair came to an end on the 'Bearded Heart Evening' at the Michel Theatre on July 6, 1923.
    • Subtitle Journal transparent.
    • N° 1 (April 1922). Only one issue published.
    • Edited by Tristan Tzara; Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes. Published by Au Sans Pareil, Paris.
    • 8 pp. ; 22.5 x 14 cm.
  • Paul Éluard, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, Tristan Tzara, Erik Satie, Theodor Fraenkel, Vitorio Huidobro, Benjamin Péret, Philippe Soupault, Rrose Sélavy [= Marcel Duchamp], André Breton and others.
  • online
    • Digital Dada Library, International Dada Archive.
  • printed
    • Reprinted in 'Dada francese', in Documenti e periodici Dada / a cura di Arturo Schwarz. Collezione di ristampe anastatiche diretta da Massimo Carra e Giorgio de Marchis (G. Mazzotta : Milano 1970). Includes Le Coeur à barbe, Cannibale, La Pomme de pins, Projecteur and Z).
    • Michel Giroud (ed.), Cabaret Voltaire. Der Zeltweg. Dada. Le Coeur A Barbe 1916-1922 (Éditions Jean Michel Place : Paris 1981).
    • [anthology] 'Cannibale, Z1, Projecteur and Le coeur à barbe', in The Dada Reader. A Critical Anthology / edited by Dawn Ades (Tate Publishing : London 2006) 253-256.
  • Dawn Ades
    'Cannibale, Z1, Projecteur and Le coeur à barbe', in The Dada reader. A critical anthology / edited by Dawn Ades (Tate Publishers : London 2006) 244.
  • Nathalie Ernoult
    'Coeur à barbe', in Dada (Editions du Centre Pompidou : Paris 2005) 268.