
Cannibale. Edited by Francis Picabia. Paris, 1920. 2 numbers.

No. 2 ( Paris, 1920) [PDF, 4.1mb]

Francis Picabia published Cannibale between issues 12 and 13 (published in March and July 1920) of 391. It was an attempt to produce an international Dada journal reflecting all the tendencies of the movement. Its opposition to civilised conventionality and its spirit of provocation can be seen in this 'Portrait of Cézanne'; the 'Carnet du Docteur Aisen', written by Picabia, contains 'news' which have no relation to actual events. Elsewhere in the same issue Louis Aragon's poem 'Suicide' simply consists of the letters of the alphabet, and a reproduction of one of Duchamp's readymades - his 'Tzanck cheque', drawn on 'The Teeth's Loan and Trust Company, Consolidated, 2 Wall Street', with which he paid his dentist.
    Panel 84a. of Breaking the Rules, exhbition by the British Library. Courtesy British Library, Stephen Bury (2008)
      • Subtitle Revue mensuelle.
      • N° 1 (25 April 1920) - N° 2 (25 May 1920).
      • Edited by Francis Picabia. Published by Au Sans Pareil, Paris.
    • Francis Picabia, Louis Aragon, Céline Arnauld, André Breton, Margueritte Buffet, Philippe Soupault, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, Tristan Tzara, Jean Cocteau, Paul Dermée, Marcel Duchamp , Paul Éluard and others.
    • online
      • Digital Dada Library: number 2 only [International Dada Archive].
    • printed
      • Reprinted in 'Dada francese', in Documenti e periodici Dada / a cura di Arturo Schwarz. Collezione di ristampe anastatiche diretta da Massimo Carra e Giorgio de Marchis (Gabriele Mazzotta : Milano 1970). The portfolio includes Z1, Projecteur, Le Coeur à barbe, Cannibale 1-2, La pomme de pins.
      • [anthology] 'Cannibale, Z1, Projecteur and Le coeur à barbe', in The Dada Reader. A Critical Anthology / edited by Dawn Ades (Tate Publishing : London 2006) 243-256.
    • Dawn Ades
      'Cannibale, Z1, Projecteur and Le coeur à barbe', in The Dada Reader. A Critical Anthology / edited by Dawn Ades (Tate Publishing : London 2006) 244.
    • Jeanne Brun
      'Cannibale', in Dada (Éditions du Centre Pompidou : Paris 2005) 208.