

Cabaret Voltaire
Cabaret Voltaire. Edited by Hugo Ball. Zurich, 1916. 1 Number.

No. 1 ( Zurich, 1916) [PDF, 4.5mb]

Cabaret Voltaire was the first of the 'Dada' reviews but bore the name of the literary and artistic cabaret opened by Hugo Ball in Zurich on March 5, 1916. [...]

Ball had issued an invitation to "the young artists of Zurich whatever their orientation to come along with suggestions and contributions of all kinds." He was joined by Tristan Tzara, Hans Arp, Marcel Janco and soon by his Berlin friend Richard Huelsenbeck. Works by Arp, Janco and others hung on the walls. Every night there were poetry readings, music, songs and performances. It was soon evident that a new spirit had emerged, a spontaneous eruption that could not be pigeon-holed into existing 'modern schools'.
  • However, written and visual contributions from Futurists, Cubists and Expressionists appear in Cabaret Voltaire and in the first two issues of Dada, as well as work of the Dada group itself. One of the Italian Futurist F.T. Marinetti's parole in libertà, 'Dune', which combined visual, aural and written dimensions and was a significant influence on the Dada phonetic poem, was printed in Cabaret Voltaire.
  • Collages, woodcuts, a tapestry carpet (woven by Sophie Taueber after a painting by Arp) and drawings, by Janco, Arp, Emmy Hennings, Marcel Slodki and Otto van Rees, among others, are reproduced beside drawings by Pablo Picasso and Amedeo Modigliani [...]
    Dawn Ades, 'Cabaret Voltaire, Dada and Der Zeltweg', in The Dada Reader. A Critical Anthology / edited by Dawn Ades (Tate Publishing : London 2006) 16.]
      • Subtitle Eine Sammlung künstlerischer und literarischer Beiträge von Guillaume Apollinaire, Hans Arp, Hugo Ball, Francesco Cangiullo, Blaise Cendrars, Emmy Hennings, Jacob van Hoddis, Richard Huelsenbeck, Marcel Janco, Wassilij Kandinsky, F.T. Marinetti, L. Mode.
      • (June 1916). Only one issue published.
      • Edited by Hugo Ball. Published by Meierei, Zürich; printed by Julius Heuberger, Zürich.
      • 32 pp. : 13 ills. ; 27 x 22 cm.
      • Published in two versions. One version had subtitle as above and introduction in German; the other had subtitle Recueil littéraire et artistique with introduction in French.
      • Bibliographi references:
        1. An extensive bibliographic description and contents of number 1917-1918 can be found in Hans Bolliger a.o. (Hrsg.), Dada in Zürich. Sammlungsheft 11 Kunsthaus Zürich (Arche Verlag : Zürich 1994) 208-210 [catalogue number 85].
        2. Datenbank des deutschsprachigen Anarchismus - DadA.
    • Guillaume Apollinaire, Hans Arp, Hugo Ball [»], Francesco Cangiullo, Blaise Cendrars, Emmy Hennings, Jacob van Hoddis, Richard Huelsenbeck, Marcel Janco, Wassilij Kandinsky, F.T. Marinetti, L. Mode[=i]gliani, Max Oppenheimer, Pablo Picasso, Otto van Rees, Marcel Slodki, Tristan Tzara.
    • online
      • German Literary Expressionism Online. Journals, Yearbooks, Collections, Anthologies. Edited by Paul Raabe (W. de Gruyter) : Berlin, New York 2008). Consult the complete list of publications.
    • printed
      • Reprinted in 'Dada Svizzero', in Documenti e periodici Dada / a cura di Arturo Schwarz. Collezione di ristampe anastatiche diretta da Massimo Carra e Giorgio de Marchis (G. Mazzotta : Milano 1970). Includes reprints of Cabaret Voltaire, Bulletin Dada, Der Zeltweg, Dada 1-3, Anthologie Dada.
      • Reprinted in Dada-Zeitschriften-Reprint (Edition Nautilus : Hamburg 1978). Includes Prospekt des Verlags freie Straße [Club Dada], Der Zeltweg Verlag Mouvement Dada, Cabaret Voltaire, Bulletin D, Der Dada, Der Dada Nr. 2, Der Dada 3 Malik Verlag, Dada Sinn der Welt, Dadameter [= die Schammade], Calendrier 20. Reprinted without the covers.
      • Reprinted in Dada Zurich Paris 1916-1922 / ed. Michel Giroud. Collection des réimpressions des revues d'avant-garde du XXème siècle (Éditions Jean Michel Place : Paris 1981). Includes Cabaret Voltaire, Der Zeltweg, Dada, Dada 2, Dada 3, Dada 4-5, Dada 6 Bulletin Dada, Dadaphone (Nr. 7), and Le coeur à barbe.
      • Reprinted in Dada. Réimpression intégral et dossier critique de la revue publiée de 1916 à 1922 par Tristan Tzara / présentés par Michel Sanouillet et Dominique Baudouin (Centre du XXe siècle, Université Nice : Nice 1976-1983) 2 dossiers:
        1. Reprint of 6 issues of Dada proper: Dada 1, 2, 3; Anthologie Dada (4-5); Bulletin Dada (6); Dadaphone (7); Dada au Grand air (8).
        2. Complete critical apparatus including historical and biographical notes, variants, unpublished works, correspondence, tables, semiological and literary analyses by Michel Sanouillet and Dominique Baudouin. In the appendix, reprints of related periodicals like Le Coeur à Barbe (1983).
      • [anthology] Dawn Ades, 'Cabaret Voltaire, Dada and Der Zeltweg', in The Dada reader. A critical anthology / edited by Dawn Ades (Tate Publishing : London 2006) 16-68.
    • Dawn Ades
      'Cabaret Voltaire, Dada and Der Zeltweg', in The Dada reader. A critical anthology / edited by Dawn Ades (Tate Publishing : London 2006) 16-19.
    • Nadia Ghanem
      'Cabaret Voltaire', in Dada (Éditions du Centre Pompidou : Paris 2005) 202-207.